By Jeff Eriks, Cambridge Companies

November 30, 2018


What type of maintenance checks can you make on your facility on a monthly/annual basis? Should you do a thorough one after a certain amount of time?

Every facility owner has different requirements to keep in mind from a review and inspection perspective. These actions are critical to protecting facilities and helping keep your workforce safe. Many of these items can help catch maintenance items that are relatively cheap to address but can become very costly if left unaddressed.


The life/safety systems are the most important systems within a building since they help keep employees safe during their time onsite.

  1. Fire Sprinkler Systems: Inspect these systems yearly with a certified professional to verify that they are functioning properly.
  2. Strobe Lights and Exit Signage: Test each year to ensure the lights work properly.
  3. Emergency and night lights: Check each year and replace bulbs and batteries.
  4. Test the sensors for methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and natural gas.
  5. Fire Alarm Systems: A key component of most buildings, and check annually. This system is typically tied into the local fire department and notifies them of any issues.
  6. Elevator Inspections: Complete annually. Most states require annual inspections and certifications kept on file within the building itself.

Other life/safety systems to be maintained and inspected regularly are eyewash units, strobes, backup lights, gas detection, etc.

Read the full article on Waste Advantage Magazine