Transfer Station New Build, Design & Construction – Fall River, MA
This transfer station project was necessary because the landfill on the site was closing and the
client needed a way to still accept the waste. Since the landfill accepted C&D, they wanted to be able to accept and manually sort C&D at the transfer station as well as MSW. To accommodate this, we added a few extra bays and they created areas using movable concrete bin blocks to create storage bunkers for the sorted material. Overall, Cambridge was responsible for the design and construction of the 20,000+ SF building. The facility consisted of cast-in-place concrete push walls, 14” thick tipping floor with our proprietary mix design, a 4’ deep loading pit and a pre-engineered metal building. The site was very tight since the transfer is tucked between the closed landfill and the client’s hauling company, so the pit could only accommodate 40’ ramps which is why the pit is only 4’ in depth. This project was completed on time and within the budget provided.
Date Completed: September 2014