By Jeff Eriks of Cambridge Companies

October 30, 2015


Good questions to ask include:

  1. What factors to include when designing a MRF?
  2. What to include to ensure your facility gets operated well?
  3. How are these factors identified?

When designing a material recourse facility or recycling center, these certain factors are considered as they affect the long-term operations of the facility. For example, a few of these factors include:

  1. Products and commodities
  2. System
  3. Building throughput
  4. Outbound material
  5. Maintenance
  6. Safety
  7. And site considerations

Products and Commodities

Typically, this first section focuses on the actual product and commodity processed at a MRF. The make-up of the material or characteristics lead to the equipment design as it needs to be efficient in processing the material. It is necessary to be able to remove the right thing at the right time and have the bunker sized appropriately to handle the material. The “evolving ton” and how your market will change in the coming years needs to be understood. This will affect how the equipment designer sets the equipment up to morph in the future and handle the growing and changing products received.

Read the full article on Waste Advantage Magazine